Your Purposeful Multi-Award Winning Gift
STTOKE visions to enhance lifestyle through carrying a product that not only represents positive movement towards a sustainable future, but also a visually appealing and functional product.
Welcome to STTOKE.
World Renowned Success

cups saved from landfills and oceans
Your exclusive gift is only 3 steps away
Let's align on your needs and expectations, STTOKE will be with you all the way.
Our designers will be with you, until your STTOKE speaks you.
You're STTOKED, and get ready to impress.
Custom STTOKEs
in Laser Etch, Colour Decal, or Full Custom

Action speaks louder than words, show your client that you're thoughtful and intentional, offering only your very best.
STTOKE is the only reusable cups that looks in place in an Executive Board Room.
From employee on-boarding to recognising your best performer, this one-of-a-kind gift is sure to send the message: "You're the BEST".
STTOKE has been proven to instill positive emotions of value, and experience by World-Class corporations to strengthen employee loyalty and satisfaction.
Sustainable products don't have to look boring. STTOKE was designed with the notion of Fashionable Sustainability. Looking right in place next to your best looking outfit.
Getting STTOKED means you've made a conscious decision to sub-consciously contribute to lessening our everyday waste from our coffee addiction.
Let's start customising your STTOKE!
Fill out the form, or get in touch with our 💬 automated messenger here!